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5.Mistakes During the Circulation of the Light


Master Lu-tsu said, Your work will gradually become concentrated and mature, but before you reach the condition in which you sit like a withered tree before a cliff, there are still many possibilities of error which I would like to bring to your special attention.These conditions are recognized only when they have been personally experienced.I shall enumerate them here.Mt school differs from the Buddhist yoga school(Chan-tsung) in that it has confirmatory signs for each step of the way.First I would like to speak of the mistakes and then of the confirmatory signs.


When one begins to carry out one's decision, care must be taken so that everything can proceed in a comfortable, relaxed manner.Too much must not be demanded of the heart.One must be careful that, quite automatically, heart and energy are coordinated.Only then can a state of quietness be attained.During this quiet state the right conditions and the right space must be provided.One must not sit down [to meditate] in the midst of frivolous.That is to say, the mind must be free of vain preoccupations.All entanglements must be put aside; one must be detached and independent.Nor must the thoughts be concentrated upon the right procedure.This danger arises if too much trouble is taken.I do not mean that no trouble is to be taken, but the correct way lies in keeping equal distance between being and not being.If one can attain purposelessness through purpose, then the thing has been grasped.Now one can let oneself go, detached and without confusion, in an independent way.


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