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Furthermore, one must not fall victim to the ensnaring world.The ensnaring world is where the five kinds of dark demons disport themselves.This is the case, for example, when, after fixation, one has chiefly thoughts of dry wood and dead ashes, and few thoughts of the bright spring on the great earth.In this way one sinks into the world of the dark.The energy is cold there, breathing is rough, and many images of coldness and decay present themselves.If one tarries there long one enters the world of plants and stones.


Nor must a man be led astray by the ten thousand ensnarements.This happens if, after the quiet state has begun, one after another all sorts of ties suddenly appear.One wants to break through them and cannot; one follows them, and feels as if relieved by this.This means the master has become the servant.If a man tarries in this stage long he enters world of illusory desires. At best, one finds oneself in heaven, at the worst, among the fox-sprits.Such a fox-spirit, it is true, may be able to roam in the famous mountains enjoying the wind and the moon, the flowers and fruits, and taking his pleasure in coral trees and jeweled grass.But after having done this for three to five hundred years, or at the most for a couple of thousand years, his reward is over and he is born again into the world of turmoil.


All of these are wrong paths.When a man knows the wrong paths, he can then inquire into the confirmatory signs.



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