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4.Circulation of the Light and Making the Breathing Rhythmical


Master Lu-tsu said, The decision must be carried out with a collected heart, and not seeking success; success will come of itself.In the first period of release there are chiefly two mistakes: indolence and distraction.But that can be remedied; the heart must not enter into the breathing too completely.Breathing comes from the heart.What comes out of the heart is breath.As soon as the heart stirs, there develops breath-energy.Breath-energy is originally transformed activity of the heart.When our ideas go very fast they imperceptibly pass into fantasies which are always accompanied by the drawing of a breath, because this inner and outer breathing hands together like tone and echo.Daily we draw innumerable breaths and have an equal number of fantasies.And thus the clarity of the spirit ebbs away as wood dries out and ashes die.


So, then, should a man have no imagining in his mind? One cannot be without imaginings.Should one not breathe? One cannot do without breathing.The best way is to make a medicine of the illness.Since heart and breath are mutually dependent, the circulation of the light must be united with the rhythm of breathing.For this, light of the ear is above all necessary.There is a light of the eye and a light of the ear.The light of the eye is the united light of the sun and moon outside.The light of the ear is the united seed of sun and moon within.The seed is thus the light in crystallized form.Both have the same origin and are different only in name.Therefore, understanding(ear) and clarity(eye) are one and the same effective light.


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