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3.Circulation of the Light and Protection of the Center

吕祖曰:回光之名何昉乎?昉之自文始真人也 (即关尹子)。回光则天地阴阳之气炁不凝,所谓精思者,此也,纯炁者,此也,纯想者,此也。初行此诀,乃有中似无。久之功成,身外有身,乃无中似有。百日专功,光才真,方为神火。百日后,光中自然一点真阳,忽生黍珠,如夫妇交合有胎,便当静以待之。光之回,即火候也。

Master Lu-tsu said, since when has the expression “circulation of the ligh” been revealed? It was revealed by the “True Men of the Beginning of Form”(Kuan Yin-hsi).When the light is made to move in a circle, all the energies of heaven and earth, of the light and the dark, are crystallized.That is what is termed seed-like thinking, or purification of the energy, or purification of the idea.When one begins to apply this magic it is as if, in the middle of being, there were non-being.When in the course of time the work is completed, and beyond the body there is a body, it is as if, in the middle of non-being, there were being.Only after concentrated work of a hundred days will the light be genuine, then only will it become spirit-fire.After a hundred days there develops by itself in the midst of the light a point of the true light-pole(yang).Then suddenly there develops the seed pearl.It is as if man and woman embraced and a conception took place.Then one must be quite still and wait.The circulation of the light is the epoch of fire.


In the midst of primal transformation, the radiance of the light(yang-kuang), is the determining thing.In the physical world it is the sun; in man, the eye.The radiation and dissipation of spiritual consciousness is chiefly brought about by this energy when it is directed outward(flows downward).Therefore the Way of the Golden Flower depends wholly on the backward-flowing method.[Man's heat stands under the fire trigram, Li.The flames of the fire press upward.When both eyes are looking at things of the world it is with vision directed outward.Now if one closes the eyes and, reversing the glance, directs it inward and looks at the room of the ancestors, that is the backward-flowing method.The energy of the kidneys is under the water sign.When the desires are stirred, it runs downward, is directed outward, and creates children.If, in the moment of release, it is not allowed to flow outward, but is led back by the energy of thought so that it penetrates the crucible of the Creative, and refreshes heart and body and nourishes them, that also is the backward-flowing method.Therefore it is said, The Way of the Elixir of Life depends entirely on the backward-flowing method.]


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