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The circulation of the light is not only a circulation of the seed-blossom of the individual body, but it is even a circulation of the true, creative, formative energies.It is not a momentary fantasy, but the exhaustion of the cycle(soul-migration) of all the aeons.Therefore the duration of a breath means a year according to human reckoning and a hundred years measured by the long night of the nine paths(of reincarnation).


After a man has the one sound of individuation(ho) behind him, he will be born outward according to the circumstances, and until his old age he will never look backward.The energy of the light exhausts itself and trickles away.That brings the ninefold darkness(of reincarnations) into the world.In the book Leng Yen it is said: “By concentrating the thoughts, one can fly; by concentrating the desires, one falls”.When a pupil takes little care of his thoughts and much care of his desires, he gets into the path of submersion.Only through contemplation and quietness does true intuition arise: for that the backward-flowing method is necessary.


In the Book of the Secret Correspondences it is said: “Release is in the eye”.In the Simple Questions of the Yellow Ruler it is said: “The seed-blossoms of the human body must be concentrated upward in the empty space”.This refers to it.Immortality is contained in this sentence and also the overcoming of the world is contained in it.This is the common goal of all religions.



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