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In sitting down, after lowering the lids, one uses the eyes to establish a plumb-line and then shifts the light downward.But if the transposition downward is not successful, then the heart is directed towards listening to the breathing.One should not be able to hear with the ear the outgoing and intaking of the breath.What one hears is that it has no tone.As soon as it has tone, the breathing is rough and superficial, and does not penetrate into the open.Then the heart must be made quite light and insignificant.The more it is released, the less it becomes; the less it is, the quieter.All at once it becomes so quiet that it stops.Then the true breathing is manifested and the form of the heart comes to consciousness.If the heart is light, the breathing is light, for every movement of the heart affects breath-energy.If breathing is light, the heart is light, for every movement of breath-energy affects the heart.In order to steady the heart, one begins by taking care of the breathenergy.The heart cannot be influenced directly.Therefore the breathenergy is sued as a handle, and this is what is called maintenance of the concentrated breath-energy.


Children, do you not understand the nature of movement? Movement can be produced by outside means.It is only another name for mastery.One can make the heart move merely by running.Should one not also be able to bring it to rest by concentrated quietness? The great holy ones who knew how the heart and breath-energy mutually influence one another have thought out an easier procedure in order to help posterity.



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