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In the Book of the Elixir it is said: “The hen can hatch her eggs because her heart is always listening”.That is an important magic spell.The hen can hatch the eggs because of the energy of heat.But the energy of the heat can only warm the shells; it cannot penetrate into the interior.Therefore she conducts this energy inward with her heart.This she does with her hearing.In this way she concentrates her whole heart.When the heart penetrates, the energy penetrates, and the chick receives the energy of the heat and begins to live.Therefore a hen, even when at times she leaves her eggs, always has the attitude of listening with bent ear.Thus the concentration of the spirit is not interrupted.Because the concentration of the spirit is not interrupted.But the concentration of the spirit suffers no interruption, neither does the energy of heat suffer interruption day or night, and the spirit awakens to life.The awakening of the spirit is accomplished because the heart has first died.When a man can let his heart die, then the primal spirit wakes to life.To kill the heart does not mean to let it dry and wither away, but it means that it has become undivided and gathered into one.


The Buddha said: “When you fix your heart on one point, then nothing is impossible for you”.The heart easily runs away, so it is necessary to concentrate it by means of breathenergy.Breath-energy easily becomes rough, therefore it has to be refined by the heart.When that is done, can it then happen that it is not fixed?



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