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In time, the primal spirit transforms itself in the dwelling of life into the true energy.At that time, the method of the turning of the millwheel must be applied, in order to distill it so that it becomes the Elixir of Life.That is the method of concentrated work.


When the Life Elixir pearl is finished, the holy embryo can be formed; then the work must be directed to the warning and nourishing of the spiritual embryo.That is the method of finishing.


When the energy-body of the child is fully formed, the work must be directed that the embryo is born and returns to emptiness.That is the method of ending the work.


From the most ancient times till today, this is not empty talk, but the sequence of the Great Way in the true method of producing an eternally living and immortal spirit and holy man.


But if the work is so far consummated, then everything belonging to the dark principle is wholly absorbed, and the body is born into pure light.When the conscious spirit has been transformed into the primal spirit, then only one can say that it has attained an infinite capacity for transformations and, departing from the cycle of births, has been brought to the sixfold present, golden genius.If this method of ennobling is not applied, how will the way of being born and dying be escaped?




2.The Primal Spirit and the Conscious Spirit


Master Lu-tsu said, “In comparison with heaven and earth, man is like a mayfly.But compared to the great Way, heaven and earth, too, are like a bubble and a shadow.Only the primal spirit and the true nature overcome time and space”.


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