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At the time of birth the conscious spirit inhales the energy and thus becomes the dwelling of the new-born.It lives in the heart.From that on the heart is master, and the primal spirit loses its place while the conscious spirit has the power.


The primal spirit loves stillness, and the conscious spirit loves movement.In its movement it remains bound to feelings and desires.Day and night it wastes the primal seed till the energy of the primal spirit is entirely used up.Then the conscious spirit leaves the shell and goes away.


Whoever has done good in the main has spirit-energy that is pure and clear when death comes.It passes out by the upper openings of mouth and nose.The pure and light energy rises upward and floats up to heaven and becomes the fivefold present shadow-genius, or shadow-spirit.But if, during life, the primal spirit was used by the conscious spirit for avarice, folly, desire, and lust, and committed all sorts of sins, then in the moment of death the spirit-energy is turbid and confused, and the conscious spirit passes out together with the breath, through the lower openings of the door of the belly.For if the spirit-energy is turbid and unclean, it crystallizes downward, sinks sown to hell, and becomes a demon.Then not only does the primal spirit lose its nature, but the power and wisdom of true human nature is thereby lessened.Therefore the Master says, If it moves, that is not good.


If one wants to maintain the primal spirit one must, without fail, first subjugate the perceiving spirit.The way to subjugate it is through the circulation of the light.If one practices the circulation of the light, one must forget both body and heart.The heart must die, the spirit live.When the spirit lives, the breath will begin to circulate in a wonderful way.This is what the Master called the very best.Then the spirit must be allowed to dive down into the abdomen(solar plexus).The energy then has intercourse with spirit, and spirit unites with the energy and crystallizes itself.This is the method of starting the work.


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