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The one effective, true human nature(logos united with vitality), when it descends into the house of the Creative, divides into animus and anima.The animus is I the heavenly heart.It is of the nature of light; it is the power of lightness and purity.It is that which we have received from the great emptiness, that which is identical in form with the primordial beginning.The anima partakes of the nature of the dark.It is the energy of the heavy and the turbid; it is bound to the bodily fleshly heart.The animus loves life.The anima seeks death.All sensuous desires and impulses of anger are effects of the anima; it is the conscious spirit which after death is nourished on blood, but which, during life, is in greatest distress.The dark returns to darkness and like things attract each other according to their kind.But the pupil understands how to distil the dark anima completely so that it transforms itself into pure light(yang).


In this part there is described the role played by the primal spirit and the conscious spirit in the making of the human body.The Master says, The life of man is like that of a mayfly: only the true human nature of the primal spirit can transcend the cycle of heaven and earth and the fate of the aeons.The true human nature proceeds from that which has no polarity [the ultimate] whereby it takes the true essence of heaven and earth into itself and becomes the conscious spirit.As primal spirit it receives its human nature from father and mother.This primal spirit is without consciousness and knowledge, but is able to regulate the formative processes of the body.The conscious spirit is very evident and very effective, and can adapt itself unceasingly.It is the ruler of the human heart.As long as it stays in the body it is the animus.After its departure from the body it becomes spirit.While the body is entering into existence, the primal spirit has not yet formed an embryo in which it could incorporate itself.Thus it crystallizes itself in the non-polarized free One.


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