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The lower heart moves like a strong, powerful commander who despises the heavenly rule because of his weakness, and has usurped the leadership in affairs of state.But when the primal castle can be fortified and defended, then it is as is a strong and wise ruler sat upon the throne.The eyes start the light circulating like two ministers at the right and left who support the ruler with all their might.When rule in the center is thus in order, all those rebellious heroes will present themselves with lances reversed ready to take orders.


The way to the Elixir of Life knows as supreme magic, seed-water, spirit-fire, and thought-earth: these three.What is seed-water? It is the true, one energy of former heaven(eros).Spirit fire is the light(logos).Thought-earth is the heavenly heart of the middle dwelling(intuition).Spirit-fire is used for the foundation.Ordinary men make their bodies through thoughts.The body is not only the seven foot-tall outer body.In the body is the anima.The anima adheres to consciousness, in order to affect it.Consciousness depends for its origin on the anima.The anima is yin(feminine), it is the substance of consciousness.As long as this consciousness is not interrupted, it continues to beget from generation to generation, and the changes of form of the anima and the transformations of substance are unceasing.


But, besides this, there is the animus in which the spirit shelters.The animus lives in the daytime in the eyes; at night it houses in the liver.When living in the eyes, it sees; when housed in the liver, it dreams.Dreams are the wanderings of the spirit through all nine heavens and all nine earths.But whoever is in a dark and withdrawn mood on waking, and chained to his bodily form, is fettered by the anima.Therefore the concentration of the animus is brought about by the circulation of the light, and in this way the spirit is maintained, the anima subjugated, and consciousness cut off.The method used by the ancients for escaping from the world consisted in melting out completely the slag of darkness in order to return to the purely creative.This is nothing more than a reduction of the anima and a completion of the animus.And the circulation of the light is the magical means of reducing the dark, and gaining mastery over the anima.Even if the work is not directed towards bringing back the Creative, but confines itself to the magical means of the circulation of the light, it is just the light that is the Creative.By means of its circulation, one returns to the Creative.If this method is followed, plenty of seed-water will be present of itself; the spirit fire will be ignited, and the thought-earth will solidify and crystallize.And thus the holy fruit matures.The scarabaeus rolls his ball and in the ball there develops life as the result of the undivided effort of his spiritual concentration.If now an embryo can grow in manure, and shed its shells, why then should not the dwelling place of our heavenly heart also be able to create a body if we concentrate the spirit upon it?


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