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The energy of the seed, like heaven and earth, is transitory, but the primal spirit is beyond the polar differences.Here is the place whence heaven and earth derive their being.When students understand how to grasp the primal spirit they overcome the polar opposites of light and darkness and tarry no longer in the three worlds.But only he who has envisioned human nature's original face is able to do this.


When men are set free from the womb, the primal spirit dwells in the square inch(between the eyes), but the conscious spirit dwells below in the heart.This lower fleshly heart has the shape of a large peach: it is covered by the wings of the lungs, supported by the liver, and served by the bowels.This heart is dependent on the outside world.If a man does not eat for one day even, it feels extremely uncomfortable.If it hears something terrifying it throbs; if it hears something enraging it stops; if it is faced with death it becomes sad; if it sees something beautiful it is dazzled.But the heavenly heart in the head, when would it have moved in the least? Dost thou ask: Can the heavenly heart not move? Then I answer: How can the true thought in the square inch move! If it really moves, that is not good.For when ordinary men die, then it moves, but that is not good.It is best indeed if the light has already solidified into a spirit-body and its life-energy gradually penetrated the instincts and movements.But that is a secret which has not been revealed for thousands of years.


2.The Primal Spirit and the Conscious Spirit



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