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7. 投资股神与邮报女王(1/3)

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7. 投资股神与邮报女王


For corporate ownership of people, this is our company shareholders should have the idea of the academic definition of risk is a bit ridiculous, and even a bit ridiculous, for example, according to the Beta theory, if a stock price is relativelythe magnitude of the decline in the broader market higher, like in 1973 to buy shares of Washington Post as the risk than the original high price even higher, so if someday someone is willing to low pricethe entire company to sell it to you, you will think that such a risk is too high, and rejected it?

In fact, the real investors like fluctuations have had a chance to Benjamin. Graham explained in the eighth chapter of the intelligent investor a book, he refers to the theory of Mr. Market, Mr. Market every day in front of you, as long as you are willing to buy or sell from him you investment, as long as he starts the more frustrated, more investors have the opportunity, as long as the greater market volatility, the ultra-low prices on the more opportunities there will be in some good company, it is difficult to imagine this low-cost promotions will be investors as its harmful for investors, you can completely disregard for his presence, or to take full advantage of this foolish behavior.









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