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第1章 大脑重塑操作指南

Allman, J., Hakeem, A., & Watson, K. (2002). Two phylogenetic specializations in the human brain. Neuroscientist, 8, 335–346.

Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself. New York: Viking Press.

Dolan, R. J. (1999). On the neurology of morals. Nature Neuroscience, 2 (11), 927–929.

Elbert, T., Pantev, C., Weinbruch, C., Rockstrob, B., & Taub, E. (1995). Increased cortical representation of the fingers of the left hand in string players. Science, 270, 305–307.

Frings, L., Wagner, K., Unterrainer, J., Spreer, J., Halsband, V., & Schulze-Bonhange, A. (2006). Gender-related differences in lateralization of hippocampal activation and cognitive strategy. Brain Imaging, 17, 417–421.

Leigland, L. A., Schulz, L. E., & Janowsky, J. S. (2004). Age-related changes in emotional memory. Neurobiology of Aging, 25, 1117–1124.

MacPherson, S. E., Philips, L. H., & Della Salla, S. (2002). Ages, executive function, and social decision making: A dorsolateral prefrontal theory of cognitive aging. Psychology and Aging, 17, 598–609.

Pascual-Leone, A., Amedi, A., Fregi, F., & Merabet, L. B. (2005). The plastic human brain cortex. Annual Reviews of Neuroscience, 28, 380.

Pascual-Leone, A., Hamilton, R., Tormos, J. M., Keenan, J. P., & Catala, M. D. (1999). Neuroplasticity in the adjustment to blindness. In J. Grafman & Y. Christen (Eds.), Neural plasticity: Building a bridge from the laboratory to the clinic (pp. 94–108). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Rosenzweig, E. S., Barnes, C. A., & McNaughton, B. L. (2002). Making room for new memories. Nature Neuroscience, 5 (1), 6–8.

Witelson, S. F., Beresh, H., & Kigar, D. L. (2006). Intelligence and brain size in 100 postmortem brains: Sex, lateralization and age factors. Brain, 129, 386–398.

第2章 如何赶走焦虑情绪?

Arden, J. B. (2009). Heal Your Anxiety Workbook. Boston: Fairwinds.


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