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4. 资产迅速增长的利器——复利累进(1/3)

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4. 资产迅速增长的利器——复利累进


When the average rate of return on capital, piles of head-way to make money is no big deal with this, you're sitting in a rocking chair can easily reach this result, like, just put your money in the bank account, the same can earn doubleinterest, no one would be so reported the outcome of applause, but usually a senior executive retirement ceremony we praise him during his tenure, the company's earnings figures increased several times, but he is also not going to take a look at these in factbecause the annual cumulative surplus with compounding effect. Of course, company earn high reward with limited funds during this period, or an increase of only a little money will create more surplus, the applause he is worthy of the name, but if the rate of return on average or just use more much money piled out, then they should applause to recover, because as long as there are banks earn 8% interest and then continue to exist after 18 years, your interest income is naturally doubled.

This simple arithmetic problems are often ignored by the company and damage the interests of shareholders, because many of the company's incentive scheme casually generous reward executives, for example, ten years fixed-price stock options, in fact, the company's surplus increased many simply because surplus cumulative effect, an example to illustrate the irrationality of the intervening Suppose you 8% per annum in the bank fixed deposit 10 million handed over to a trust to custody by his to determine the ratio of annual actual essentials of how much interest out, unclaimed interest banks compound interest is to continue to exist, and then assume that the real collar interest of our great trust people as a quarter, and finally let me take a look at ten years later, you will get what your bank account after ten years there will be 179,084 addition in carefully arranged trustee, you annually earned interest will be increased from 8,000 to 13,515, the real interest collar from 2,000 to 3,378 the most important is that when your annual trustee sent your annual report, you will find each of the figures in the chart are a towering fly.


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