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11. 选择最优秀的管理团队(1/2)

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11. 选择最优秀的管理团队


I have a very good reason, I regularly spoke highly of the achievements made by the managers responsible for the operation and management of our subsidiary. They are true all-star, and manage enterprise like this is the sole holder of the assets of their family. I believe this mentality they wholeheartedly to the benefit of shareholders and the management of those large public shareholding company attitude identical. Most managers, there is no financial need to work, their pursuit of the greatest reward is to enjoy happy to hit a home run the business.

Only 23 team efficiently handle a variety of transaction: a large number of requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities, making as many as 17,839 federal income tax filings, as well as the state income tax and foreign income tax related documents, to respond to shareholders and the media numerous inquiries, send an annual report, in preparation for the annual general meeting of shareholders of listed companies of the nation's largest, coordinating the activities of the Board, their list of activities can also list a lot of activities.

Their attitude and pleasant to deal with the affairs of these enterprises, high efficiency is simply incredible, I feel more relaxed and happy. Their efforts are not confined to Berkshire-related activities, they also need to deal with 48 universities, 48 universities screened out from 200 applications University in the academic year will be sending some students to Omaha , and I spent the day together. They have to deal with the various requests I received to arrange my travel, even to go and I buy a lunch of hamburgers. Does not have a CEO like I have done so comfortable.





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