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5. 买下正确的公司,用不着考虑它目前的价格(1/2)

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5. 买下正确的公司,用不着考虑它目前的价格


In the past eleven years, I have been long-term beyond the Dow Jones index of 10% as our goal, I also said that although the completion of this goal is difficult, but not impossible. Following some of our business and market changes occurred in these years:

1, the market compared to the past has been a significant change: the significant price advantage of investment targets have been greatly reduced in number;

2, for the attention of the investment performance led to the overreaction of the market behavior, and my analytical skills can only assess a limited range of values;

3, our capital base has reached 65 million U.S. dollars and are reducing our investment ideas;

4, before we have achieved a good performance, for me personally, to continue efforts to achieve superior performance power will inevitably be reduced.

Let us come closer analysis of these points.

For the valuation of securities or companies always found to be involved in all aspects of the qualitative and quantitative factors. From an extreme perspective, qualitative analysis method: "buy the right company, do not consider it the price!" Quantitative methods will be said: "the right price to buy, do not need to consider the company's actual analysis, it is clear both factors should be taken into account.













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