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第103章 运河(1/3)

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Standing on the deck, looking at the calm water, Jia Rong felt that the whole person was open-minded a lot.

One by one, the soldiers who had been trained several times supported the waist knife. They were like nails under their feet, and their faces were firm and resolute.

Jia Rong smashed it and smashed her mouth. She thought that she was really well-trained. There was no ship on the river, but no soldier was lazy.

Shang Dan Da walked to Jia Rong and said with a smile,“my Lord, how is the scenery? I feel good when I see it, but it looks greasy and crooked after a long time. I heard that the navy is good. It's really endless. Big lobster old ** is big, and one fish can occupy half of the deck.“

Then she shook her head, as if regretting that she couldn't go. Jia Rong agreed,“yes, oysters, crabs and prawns in the sea can be fed up with.“

After a while, Shang Dan Da arranges for a change of defense. Jia Rong walks back to the third floor. Yuanyang meets the spring and Qin Keqing is playing card nine.

Seeing Jia Rong come in, Qin Keqing waved his hand and said with a smile,“husband, come here quickly. The three of them work together to bully me.“

When Jia Rong comes to Qin Keqing's back, she looks at the card and doesn't speak. She sees three pairs of beautiful eyes staring at Jia Rong.

Jia Rong waved her hand to Qin Keqing helplessly and said with a bitter smile,“my wife, you don't know. I won't play cards. So I can't help either

Qin Keqing “hum“ a, angry way,“I don't care, anyway you have to help me.“

This makes Yingchun Tanchun mandarin duck envy very much, they also want to act coquettish to Jia Rong like this, but too many people, they can not.

Jia Rong thought for a while and said with a smile,“playing cards, any time is OK. It's so beautiful to go to see the scenery on both sides of the Strait. Why should I stay in this narrow room.


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