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But all the subtleties and secrets are offered in this Book of Consciousness and Life to be pondered and weighted, so that one can attain everything in its truth.


2.The Six Periods of Circulation in Conformity with the Law



If one discerns the beginning of the Buddha's path,

There will be the blessed city of the West.

After the circulation in conformity with the law,

There is a turn upward towards heaven when the breath is drawn in.

When the breath flows out energy is directed towards the earth.



One time-period consists of six intervals(hou).

In two intervals one gathers Moni(Sakyamuni).

The great Tao comes forth from the center.

Do not seek the primordial seed outside!


The most marvelous effect of the Tao is the circulation in conformity with the law.What makes the movement inexhaustible is the path.What best regulates the speed are the rhythms (kuei).What best determines the number of the exercises is the method of the intervals (hou).


This presentation contains the whole law, and the true features of the Buddha from the West are contained in it.The secrets contained in it show how one gets control the process by exhaling and inhaling, how the alternation between decrease and increase expresses itself in closing and opening, how one needs true thoughts in order not to deviate from the way, how the firm delimitation of the regions makes it possible to begin and to stop at the right time.


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