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1.Cessation of Outflowing



If thou wouldst complete the diamond body with no outflowing,

Diligently heat he roots of consciousness and life.

Kindle light in the blessed country ever close at hand,

And there hidden, let thy true self always dwell.


The subtlest secret of the Tao is human nature and life(hsing-ming).There is no better way of cultivating human nature and life than to bring both back to unity.The holy men of ancient times, and the great sages, set forth their thoughts about the unification of human nature and life by means of images from the external world; they were reluctant to speak of it openly without allegories.Therefore the secret of how to cultivate both simultaneously was lost one earth.What I show through a series of images is not a frivolous giving away pf secrets.On the contrary, because I combined the notes of the Leng-yen-ching on the cessation of outflowing and the secret thoughts of Hua-yen-ching with occasional references to the other sutras, in order to summarize them in this true picture, it can be understood that consciousness and life are not anything external to the germinal vesicle.I have drawn this picture so that companions pursuing the divine workings of the dual cultivation may know that in this way the true seed matures, that in this way the cessation of outflowing is brought about, that in this way the sheli [Satira, the firm, the immortal body] is melted out, that in this way the great Tao is completed.


But the germinal vesicle is an invisible cavern; it has neither form nor image.When the vital breath stirs, the seed of this vesicle comes into being; when it cease it disappears again.It is the pace which harbors truth, the altar upon which consciousness and life are made.It is called the dragon castle at the bottom of the sea, the boundary region of the snow mountains, the primordial pass, the kingdom of greatest joy, the boundless country.All these different names mean this germinal vesicle.If a dying man does not know this germinal vesicle, he will not find the unity of consciousness and life in a thousand births, nor in ten thousand aeons.


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