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1.Heavenly Consciousness(The Heart)


Master Lu-tsu said, That which exists through itself is called the Way(Tao).Tao has neither name nor shape.It is the one essence [Hsing], the one primal spirit.Essence and life cannot be seen.They are contained in the light of heaven.The light of heaven cannot be seen.It is contained in the two eyes.Today I will be your guide and will first reveal to you the secret of the Golden Flower of the great One, and starting from that, I will explain the rest in detail.


The great One is the term given to that which has nothing above it.The secret of the magic of life consists in using action in order to attain non-action.One must not wish to leap over everything and penetrate directly.The maxim handed down to us is to take in hand the work on human nature(hsing).In doing this is importance not to take any wrong path.


The Golden Flower is the light.What color is the light? One uses the Golden Flower as a symbol.It is the true energy of the translucent great one.The phrase “The lead of the water-region has but one taste” refers to it.[Heaven created water through the One(Hsing).That is the true energy of the Great One.If man attains this One he becomes alive; if he loses it he dies.But even if man lives in the energy(vital breath, prana) he does not see the energy(prana), just as fishes live in water but do not see the water.Man dies when he has no vital breath, just as fishes perish when deprived of water.Therefore the adepts have taught people to holdfast to the primal, and to guard the One; it is the circulation of the light and the maintaining of the center.If one guards this true energy, one can prolong the span of life, and can then apply the method of creating an immortal body by “melting and mixing”.]


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