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Dear Lai,

On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my great pleasure to offer you admission to Qingfeng Ren’s Marriage Program, with eternity in mind. You were identified as the most charming, talented, and accomplished woman in his wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and we believe that you and Mr.Ren are simply made for each other. Your lovely temper and convivial character make you stand out as the only one who will thrive within Mr Ren's loving environment as well as contribute to his beloved family.

We recognize that you and Mr.Ren have gone through much more than what it takes to make a perfect couple, and Mr.Ren is more grateful than he appears to be for what you have compromised and sacrificed for him along the way. For him, you have been an indispensable pillar of strength and support through all the ups and downs during the past five years. Mr.Ren is absolutely ready to keep you happy and share all your troubles, fears and anxieties in the journey ahead. While he might not end up a billionaire or celebrity, he promises you an honest, sincere and perpetual effort to take the best care of the family and learn to become a competent husband.

Upon receiving it, we hope this letter will not surprise, exhilarate or paralyze you to the extent that you will become incapable of opening the door, accepting the ring, and hugging your husband.





(没见过这么厚颜无耻的marriage proposal)



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