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And then here are the deltas.

The biggest deltas in the world.

Made of black slime.

Stretching toward Chittagong.

She's left the tracks,the forests, the tea roads, the red suns behind, and she goes forward over the estuary of the deltas.

She goes in the same direction as the world,toward the engulfing, always distant east.

One day she comes face to face with the sea.

She lets out a cry,laughs her miraculous birdlike coo.

Because of her laugh she finds a junk in Chittagong, the fishermen are willing to take her,she crosses with them the Bay of Bengal.

Then, then she starts to be seen near the rubbish dumps on the outskirts of Calcutta.

And then she's lost sight of.

And then later found again behind the French embassy in the same city.

She sleeps in a garden, replete with endless food .

She's there during the night.

Then in the Ganges at sunrise.

Always laughing, mocking.

She doesn't go on this time.

Here she can eat, sleep, it's quiet at night, she stays there in the garden with the oleanders.

One day I come,pass by.

I'm seventeen.

It's the English quarter, the embassy gardens, the monsoon season,the tennis courts are deserted.

Along the Ganges the lepers laugh.

We're stopping over in Calcutta.

The boat broke down.

We're visiting the town to pass the time.

We leave the following evening.

Fifteen and a half.

The news spreads fast in Sadec.

The clothes she wears are enough to show.

The mother has no idea,and none about how to bring up a daughter.

Poor child.

Don't tell me that hat's innocent, or the lipstick, it all means something, it's not innocent,it means something, it's to attract attention, money.

The brothers are layabouts.

They say it's a Chinese, the son of the millionaire, the villa in Mekong with the blue tiles.

And even he, instead of thinking himself honored, doesn't want her for his son.

A family of white layabouts.


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